Sail With Kite

Reading the news article on the BBC a kite powered vessel caught my attention. It's a great idea, which will help reduce shipping costs, reduce the rate of oil consumption and reduce carbon emissions from ships.

It is a great example of good business opportunities, solving a problem, the increased cost of shipping, the cost of oil rises, it is self-financing, customers will not have to worry about the cost of investment and provide cost savings and, therefore, use will pay for itself. It is a combination of technologies (comet), ships, and to expand. Better than anything that can be installed on existing ships.

By using the SkySails system, a vessel of fuel costs can be reduced by 10-35% on average annually, depending on wind conditions. Under optimal conditions of wind, fuel consumption can temporarily be reduced up to 50%.

The BBC said that the 10-35% savings translates into about $ 1560 per day reduced the cost of fuel, which is a potential savings of nearly $ 585,000 per vessel per year.


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